Our Solutions
AIM@CRM saves technical personnel time from doing tedious statistical analysis with its knowledge discovery engine.
AIM@iSTAR, the intelligent Student-Teacher Analytics Resource system, is equipped with business intelligence and artificial intelligence technology to improve teaching and facilitate learning through the analysis of students’ results and identification of influencing factors affecting the results.
AIM@Attendance uses Deep Neural Network Face Recognition Technology to identify individual identity for attendance taking & time sheet generation. We also provide integration to your payroll software to calculate payroll.
Banking - AI Prescriptive Solution
Find out more on how our AI prescriptive solution can help banking industry detect abnormal transactions etc.
AIM@F&B helps companies discover insight into consumer’s preference, purchase behavior, customer profiles, customer segmentation, and customer loyalty automatically. This reduces 70% of dependency on manpower and biasness.
AIM@iCS (Intelligent Collaborative Solution) is a web based platform with structured collaborative learning lesson templates that leverages on a semantic analysis engine to understand and assess in real time students' mastery of subject concepts
Retail - AI Prescriptive Solution
Find out more on how our AI prescriptive solution can help retail industry boost their sales through Cross Selling, Up Selling, Campaign Analytics, Salesperson Performance Prediction, Sales Forecast, etc.
IBM Watson Assistant (Chatbot)
Chatbots use natural language recognition capabilities to discern the intent of what a user is saying, in order to respond to inquiries and requests. The problem is, most chatbots try to mimic human interactions, which can frustrate users when a misunderstanding arises. Watson Assistant is more.